The book designer will be sending the book to the printer in just a couple of days - soon I'll have a proof of the book in my hot little hands! YAY!
Writing novels is definitely a labor of love. I don't know that any monetary value could be put on the hours and hours and hours of effort that went into researching, writing, polishing, editing, polishing, editing again, etc. And then there was the agonizing wait to hear from those I'd asked to read it. Would they think it was any good? What would I need to change to make it better? What a relief it was when all of them liked the story and they didn't find huge problems with it! Yay!
I know very few authors make a profit with their novels, but it will be a thrill to have a real book of my novel! Can't wait!!
You can read a sample chapter here: http://www.whimsyhill.com/. Please leave comments when you read it!