I finally saw what was bothering me about the rider's face. I knew something was a bit off, but I couldn't quite figure out how to fix it. Then I saw it. The eyes were set too high (by about 1/16th of an inch), and the place where the nose dips in toward the eyes was set in the wrong place (by an even smaller margin). So today I put dabs of clay in the places where the eyes were, smoothed that out and started over - not my favorite thing to do, especially on something as delicate and difficult to create as the eyes on this rider. But I did it, and revised the shape of her cheekbones somewhat, her temples and browbone, the nose, and even brought the brim of the helmet lower and trimmed some off the top of the helmet. I like it a lot better now. I think I need to broaden the lower cheeks and jaw just a tiny bit on each side, and then it just might look like my customer! YAY! Here are some pictures to show what I accomplished today.
I know her helmet still needs straps, but I'm not going to add them until I'm satisfied with her face.
As you may be able to see from the pictures above, and will certainly see in the picture below, I also started working on the mane, getting the masses of the flying mane and forelock somewhat defined on one side, as well as filling in holes and undercuts so it will cast well.
I think this will be a beautiful piece! I'm excited to see it coming together so well!
In other news, I've finished the revisions on my second "Star Sons" novel (titled "The Gathering Alliance") and am printing it out right now for a final read-through to make sure I haven't missed anything in proofreading. The cover art is finished and there are only a few details to complete before it will be ready for publication. HUZZAH!!! I'll post ordering info here and on Facebook and my Yahoo groups when it's ready to go. It will be available from me as well as from Amazon.com, BN.com and various other outlets. You will also be able to order it in your local bookstore with its ISBN number. I'm excited to have this finished! YAAAY!!
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