Doing the squealy circle dance of joy here!!!!!!!!
Every book or resource I've read on self-publishing, self-promotion, etc., says you should get "quotes" from VIP types to put on your book cover or inside the front pages of the book, to use in promotion, etc. I don't know that many "famous" people. The movie actor I know is recovering from two hip replacements and probably is in no mood to read fiction. But a girl I went to college with - the only college friend I'm still in touch with - is the daughter of the man who was a very "high up" politician in the late 60s/early 70s. So I asked my friend if her dad liked to read (yes) - did he like fantasy (no, he never reads anything but historical biographies and that kind of thing).
Long story short, he agreed to read my novel despite the fact that he's not interested in magic and has NEVER read a fantasy novel. I sent it to him last week, he got it two days ago and he called me this morning! He said I disrupted his busy schedule because he COULDN'T PUT IT DOWN! He said it was a great read, a "gripping" story, and a real page-turner! He couldn't wait to see what happened next!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! From someone who doesn't read fantasy, that's HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!
Doing the squealy circle dance here! Joy Joy Joy!!!!
And since it's been so long since I've posted, I'll catch you up. I've converted the ISBN numbers I had left over after publishing my sculpting book ("Sculpting 101: A Primer for the Self-taught Artst") to the new 13 digit ISBN. I've got everything in place for my publishing business now, AND I have a group of authors (from one of my writing boards) who are working on an anthology that I'll edit and publish (IF their work meets my standards, which I believe it will -this is an "invitation only" group and they're all good writers). So now I'm busy trying to get things organized to publish things for more than just ME - that means contracts, etc. I've joined the PMA (an international group of small publishers) which means I'll be able to have books in BookExpo and the London Book Fair f0r a reasonable fee. I've been approved by the Library of Congress for their cataloging system (just need a final page count, which I'll have after I get the book back from the copy editor and book designer, before I can finalize the stuff with the Library of Congress). I've got a lot of other things in place too, but my brain is so buzzed about this wonderful review, I can't think! :) And sorry, budding writers, but I'm not accepting submissions from other authors at this time. When I'm ready to accept more submissions, I'll post it on my publishing business website (, currently under construction).
In other GREAT news, I finished the horse and carriage sculpture today, YIPPEE!!!!!!! I'll post some pics here once I get the horse cleaned up and get the final pictures taken.
Sorry I haven't posted more often - but I've been a busy lady! :D
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