Tuesday, July 25, 2006

It's a good read!

I let "Star Sons" sit untouched for a couple of weeks and just re-opened it a few days ago after getting the beta job back from one of my betas. I plugged in her input, then went to work on fixing the formatting problems (the novel-writing software and I had a disagreement about the formatting - the software won, which means I had a mess to clean up when I transferred the document to Word. *sigh*) Anyway, that's fixed and now I'm going through and polishing. It's an honest-to-goodness good read, YAY! I love the characters, and haven't hit any "slow" spots. I'm fixing all the glitches or problem spots as I come to them, but honestly, it's so cool to read it more as a story than as "pieces" as I have to do when writing it.

I've got to figure out how to publicize this blog so it isn't just me here talking to myself, although that's fun too, LOL!



  1. Anonymous2:29 AM

    What made you think Star Sons won't be good?

  2. Well, you know, it's just a "am I good enough" kind of thing that hits artists of all sorts every so often. We spend months creating something and then HOPE that other people will like (and BUY!!!) it! And that's where I am with "Star Sons" now. I just finished polishing it after giving it a rest (and getting beta comments from some of my team) and it's a really good read, especially the latter part where the battle and aftermath pick up the pace a lot. I still like the way it flows throughout, and that's a bang-up ending, I think. Sure hope some agent and publisher thinks so too, and with it taking ages to be accepted!


  3. I think more people read than comment. You're probably talking to more people than you think! I'd love to swap links with you, if you want. :)

  4. Anonymous3:23 PM

    You needn't worry.... Your works are good enough for the fan fiction community so there must be something in your fiction works to keep people flocking back...

    Ya know, the stiff upper lip routine... don't be nervous.
