Wednesday, June 21, 2006

And it's off to the betas we go!

The first five chapters are edited, polished, and as good as I can get them. They were sent to the betas last night. I've heard from four betas so far (out of six) that they got it, and one has already started reading it and liked the first chapter. YAY! I hope to get the first ten to fifteen chapters out to them by the end of the week! The story's finished except for that climactic battle scene (one chapter, no big deal to write), and I like how it turned out, yippee! I'll hold chapters 16-20 until I get the battle scene written and polished. THEN the betas can have it all! And then I'll take some time off to paint, sculpt, ride my horse, start some short stories and book 2 of this trilogy/series (which is already starting to develop in my mind)! Yay!!


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